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How can WE BE The Change?

Kimberlee Schultz

Every choice we make has ripple affects on our social, emotional and physical BEing as an individual and en mass.

There is a powerfully positive MOVEMENT in ACTION! It is, and will continue to gain exponential impact as more of us collaborate by modeling the CHANGE WE wish to SEE and BE in our world!

A Call to Actions , Love Living Vegan and The StarPals are each focused upon sharing, inspiring and empowering others. It is our goal to learn, grow and expand upon our collective experiences to further the cause of awareness and creative solutions.

We will add to this article as a living document of personal choices. By modeling a force for good in action, we share how to shift each of our precious resources to support companies that are committed to positive change!


On 7/21/17 we closed our Wells Fargo Bank account for multiple reasons. We wanted to move our funds to a bank that is a B-Corporation and we chose Aspiration.


Click on the link below to simplify your transition out of the mega bank industry.

Another massive reason for our departure was the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). How can we feel good about giving our hard earned money to banks that are loaning funding that harms indigenous lands, people and wildlife in the name of big profits by shortsighted mega corporations? A few of the banks have already defunded their loans due to the pressure from the people. Our collaborative efforts speak volumes through petitions. delivering personalized letters to the banks, bringing awareness to their staff and moving accounts to banks that have a conscience! To see who is banking against the Sioux click on the below image.


We are also in the process of moving to B-Corp credit card companies. There are also several other choices that focus on various causes doing business for GOOD in service over profits! Click on the image below to see responsible credit cards!


Click the below image to listen to an interview with Kimberlee from A Call to Actions and Gary Christmas talking about Conscious Businesses.



It is time to DO Something!

Will you BE Part of POSITIVE CHANGE?

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