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1930's Map of Medicinal Plants now Hijacked by Big Pharma

A Call to Actions

Nature provides whatever we may need to heal naturally. The problem is what was intended to help humanity heal has been hijacked, reverse engineered, re-created, re-named, re-packaged and marketed as a synthetic version of the original form. It is then sold in mass quantity for mass profit by the Big Pharma industry causing numerous side effects that typically result in the need for more of the same unhealthy fakery.

The following map from the David Rumsey Map Collection depicts the Medicinal Plant Map of the United States of America.

Zoom in to see the fine print about The Service of Pharmacy back in September of 1932.

(bottom left corner)

As noted below "The Plants shown on the face of this map grow natively or are cultivated in the State illustrated." and "It is hoped that this map may serve to broaden the general knowledge of the public along these lines and to develop a better understanding of the vital part of the pharmacist plays in combining his services with those of the physician in utilizing the products of nature in the practice of pharmacy."

But where has the big pharma giant swerved off the road since this statement in 1932?

Fast forward 8 decades and what do we have here?


Click on pictures to go to original source.

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