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STOP Covert Depopulation! Kevin Galalae takes it to the next global leap with all 196 Heads of State

Bobby Vaughn

December 24th, 2013 I had the most fortunate opportunity to listen to an interview with my Mom while visiting during Christmas. We both sat in awe as we listened to Kevin Mugur Galalae share his plight to protect our children, our future from covert depopulation. I was moved to tears and reached out to Kevin to let him know how much I appreciated his efforts. I was surprised that he responded so quickly and then sent me links to read his books that detailed the depopulation via fluoridation agenda.

January 2014 A Call To Actions Radio was born and we set up an interview with Kevin to dig deeper into the covert depopulation situation and bring forward alternative solutions that would put an end to sterilizing our future generations without their knowledge or consent.

About a month after our February 17th interview, Kevin asked us to help him raise funding to send him to the Vatican to go on hunger strike in a plea to the Pope to step forward and help us end the covert sterilization program. We not only raised the funds to get him there, we kept him there for 46 days of hunger strike! Every day Kevin would journal and share the details along with interviews from around the globe and video footage of his daily pilgrimage.

Immediately after the strike was over, Kevin shared all of this information in his recent book Revelations, and then began the next leap in the journey. He set out to do a Global Stop Covert Depopulation Tour to address all 196 Heads of State. After writing each and every 196 leaders, we began another funding campaign for Kevin to physically sit down, face to face with each of the leaders that responded to his request and invite him to their country to focus on solutions.

To date, Kevin has received four invitations from Presidents in Africa and we are fundraising to get him there as soon as possible. This will kick off the Global call to action for our leaders to step up and end the silent slow killing of humanity and the unborn of future generations.

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