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Healing Ourselves, Our Relations & Our World by Chief Phil Lane Jr.

Bobby Vaughn

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Invitation from Chief Phil Lane, Jr.:

At this unique and unprecedented moment in human history – in the midst of mounting social, political, economic, psychological and spiritual restlessness and uncertainty – there exists an unnamed rootlessness that permeates the very heart of the Human Family and condition.

And it is time to name it.

Too many human beings in the modern world have been in the pursuit of the industrial and material dream severed from our Indigenous Spirits. We have forgotten how to live in harmony on our Mother Earth, and have thus lost touch with our Indigenous Roots and our intimate connection to one another and all Life!

We are all part of the ancient Sacred Circle of Life, and therefore we are all Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth. The essential truth of this reality cannot be denied no matter how we look at it; it is simply an irrevocable truth.

To embrace and reclaim our Indigenous relationship to all Life is to remember and lovingly celebrate our sacred relationship with our Mother Earth, all relatives of our

One Human Family and our kinship with all Life.

The realization of this truth renders any form of prejudice intolerable, and equally renders any form of mistreatment of our sacred Mother Earth as completely unacceptable.

We have experienced a Great Spiritual Wintertime in the past 500 years. This has been a time of conquest, colonization and assimilation that has been filled with the utmost human cruelty, violence, injustice, abuse and physical and cultural genocide.

What we are finally discovering, however, is that the ”Hurt of One is the Hurt of All,” and that such actions strip away our essential humanity along with all things that make life worth living!

The global crises we experience today are additionally fueled by our belief in separation... a myth that has convinced us that we are separate from one another and separate from the Natural World. This has further channeled into the destructive belief that we are not whole and that we are hopelessly inadequate.

The industrial and material dream is given power by our sense of lost connection and wholeness with ourselves, each other and our Mother Earth.

It persuades and propels us to consume to no end, in a feeble attempt to recover a wholeness that cannot be bought or filled with material things.

It thrives on our inability to recall the ways of the ancestors, and celebrates the forgetting of our own sacredness as Sacred Beings.

For when we recognize the sacred within ourselves, we see it in all other things.

But this is all changing. It has been prophesied that a Great Spiritual Springtime would emerge out of this unimaginable darkness.

We live now not in the days of the prophecies, but in the days of the fulfillment of the prophecies.

As foretold by the Elders, the Indigenous Peoples of the world are reawakening to their spiritual and cultural identities. They are demonstrating to all members of the

Human Family how to walk the Fourth Way, the Beauty Way... the Path that transcends assimilation, resignation and conflict to a new place of understanding, reconciliation and healing broken trusts!

This Sacred Path of the Fourth Way must be walked together in unprecedented, unified action to manifest World Peace – the Day that will not be followed by night!

We, the First Nation Indigenous Peoples have a strong, enduring and unbreakable spiritual foundation of cultural values and guiding principles. These have empowered us to survive and arise in the face of unspeakable hardship and suffering, yet we stand with greater strength and wisdom than ever before.

So we invite you, Our Beloved Relatives, to reawaken with us to what is already within each of us – the Unity of One Human Family and all Life.

We offer you our heartfelt greeting of solidarity and our shared wisdom of 16 Indigenous Guiding Principles to ensure that we may walk together on a Sacred Path that fully honors the Natural Laws and rights of Mother Earth!

This new Spiritual Springtime foretold by our Elders is now unfolding globally... as sure as the sun rises every morning.

My Beloved Relative, it would be an honor for you to join us.

Your brother,

Chief Phil Lane Jr.

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